Power of Attorney Disclaimer Statement
The Department of Human Services’ Residential Child Care Licensing Unit (RCCL) does not license or regulate powers of attorney for the care of a child arrangements executed in accordance with Georgia law (See
O.C.G.A. §§ 19-9120 et seq. ) The purpose of Department of Human Services’ Rules for Power of Attorney
for the Care of a Child,
Chapter 290-1-10, is to promote compliance with state law provisions by establishing guidelines for nonprofit entities or faith-based organizations providing such power of attorney services. The Department of Human Services’ rules also provide guidelines for the referral of individuals seeking to execute a power of attorney to nonprofit entities or faith-based organizations meeting annual reporting requirements.
The Department of Human Services is not liable for civil damages nor subject to any claim, demand, cause of action, or proceeding as a result of referring persons seeking assistance to identify a nonprofit entity or faith-based organization that has met annual reporting requirements per state law and rules.
RCCL encourages all persons or organizations interested in pursuing power of attorney arrangements to review all state law requirements at
O.C.G.A. §§ 19-9120 et seq., and
applicable reporting requirements (Rules for Power of Attorney for the Care of a Child,
Chapter 290-1-10). RCCL staff is not authorized to provide legal advice regarding executing power of attorney arrangements.
I've read and understand the above-mentioned statements